Live With Intention

Words 2012


Yo! Wherever you are wanting to go.  Whatever you are wanting to do.  Whatever you are wanting to become.  Go. Be. Do.

You are the only thing that is holding you back.  Your ideas about what can or cannot be true are holding you back, not the reality.  What you can or cannot do is based on what you believe you can or cannot do.  Who you are and can be is limitless.  Where would you go if you could go anywhere?  Guess what, you can.  All of your ideas around what is holding you back are false.  Where there is an idea there is a reality.  What you can perceive you most certainly can achieve.

Try to see yourself, uninhibited.  See yourself free of concern, worry.  See yourself doing what you want despite fear.  See the options that are infinite.  Risk dreaming without the judgement that you live your life with, under, around, within.  Have fun.

I see a shift happening where we begin to see our lives as opportunities to experience what we are drawn to and not what we should do.  I see us shining.  I see us happy.  Smiling.  Loving.  Living.  Living.  Living.

Go on, jump.

