Live With Intention

Words 2012

No Pain, No Gain

Hiya, Sore.  I am.  I am sore.  Being sore is fantastic because it highlights areas I am not currently strong in.  It tells me that I am not there yet.  Wherever there is.  The workout I did is just an example of doing something outside of my comfort zone.  I can take that experience and apply it to other parts of my world.  I can look at various ways I have stretched myself or stayed within an area that was familiar.  I can see where I am sore emotionally, intellectually, and physically and know that I am growing, changing, learning and developing.  If I find myself in a place that is comfortable and I am not challenged I know there is work that is around the corner for me to see to, when I decide.

What have you done that recently that would get you sore?  In what areas have you challenged yourself?  Have you looked at what you thought you knew, felt and wanted and reevaluated it to the point where shifts occur?  Why have you or haven't you stretched past your regular, everyday routine?  What would benefit from you doing more than you have the day before, or doing differently?

Growth takes persistence, patience and awareness.  It also takes time and consistency.  Everyday you will be faced with the opportunities to do more than what you know.  You will have to continue to get sore, to do the work.  Change isn't usually an overnight thing.  My soreness will continue if I don't make the new workout a habit.  It is up to you to grab hold of the challenge, do the work to master it, and reap the benefit.

Have fun!

