Live With Intention

Words 2012

Fun - Part I

Howdy!!! "People are always good company when they are doing something they really enjoy."  Samuel Butler

There are so many people who HATE their job.  Seriously, they are miserable.  You might be one of those people, I dunno.  Yet, they stay for years sometimes.  They refuse to give up on a dream that turned into a nightmare all the while sucking the very marrow out of their now swiss cheesed bones.  It is an unfortunate situation that always amazes me.  I believe that people think the money they have grown accustomed to acquiring in those life draining jobs is somehow worth every ounce of their being.  Or maybe they just get conditioned to being unhappy.

Actually, when you hate your job so much at some point 'fun' becomes a distant memory.  Fun becomes a word that seems wrong when you spell it correctly, (as if you ever use the word when you hate your job).  Fun becomes a chore, something on your 'to do' check list.  You begin to schedule fun.  Yep, even fun becomes depressing when you hate what you do most of the time.

This is serious.  Seriously serious.  It needs addressing and redressing and maybe even a dress, if it makes it fun.

I have been thinking about the whole fun and job thing for a while.  I have always, for the most part, done what I have loved.  When I found myself at a job that ended up taking more than it gave I somehow found my way out… a few times I was ejected and other times I ran for the hills.  Either way, if it ain't fun, it ain't gettin' done.  I have always understood that joy was the purpose.  Giving and getting.  Drudgery isn't living, it is imprisonment.  That isn't something that I have any desire to experience.  Blech!

I wanted to share a fantastic email by a professional cat sitter after he stopped by to pick up something he left while she wasn't home.  Yes, he makes a living watching people's kitties (too many jokes, seriously) isn't that fantastic.  He also keeps things awesome by sending the pet owners emails like the one below.  Enjoy and you may want to adapt his preparedness attitude, he makes a strong case for it.  Enjoy!


They barely had water scraping the bottom of the water bowl. I filled the usual water bowl, and set out another across from the fridge. I hope that it is not a bowl that you do not mind being touched by kitty tongues.

I put out enough water for my cats to last a few days in case something happens - death, madness, overwhelming sadness, earthquake, the near total breakdown of our society, indigestion - that might keep me from home for two or three days. Just in case.


Now I am pretty sure Duane is not crazy, ok, not sure but am assuming.  He is just having fun.  Prior to this email he called her to ask about stopping by.  When she told him it was ok he asked her if he could also bake oatmeal cookies!

When you put fun as a driver in your world you may have the where-with-all to actually be funny, to send random emails, to laugh uncontrollably, to skip instead of walk, to sing when a song comes on instead of silently listening to it.  You could quite possibly become a very happy person indeed.

