Live With Intention

Words 2012

You Are Light

Hello!! What makes you special?  What about you is phenomenal?  If you don't know you would do well to discover it.  There is something, something fantastic and your not knowing it is cheating the world out of something rad!  I understand not admitting it, keeping it to yourself.  Some of us have a complex about our gifts.  I know I did.  Not anymore.  I own who I am and am excited to watch my gifts grow.

I am quick.  Quick talking, thinking and doing.  I have always been quick.  That doesn't mean nothing gets by me, on the contrary, some things have and still do, I can be super gullible.  However, I am perceptive and can quickly see many perspectives in order to bring about an array of solutions to a supposed problem.  I have also always had the ability to 'know.'  Literally.  I know what is happening, what will happen in some ways and what is going on for other people.  It is what it is.  However, for so long I felt bad about sharing my gifts because of feeling like I was putting others down by shining my light so bright.

The truth is, people do sometimes feel less than when you share your gifts.  People do either directly or indirectly ask you to dim your light.  Often this is done by comparing themselves to you in a competitive or negative (self-deprecating) way.  There are many ways people ask others to dim themselves, none of which help the shiny being become shinier.  You know when you are asking to be dimmed because you begin to pretend like you aren't who you are.  You fake being small.  You feel guilty about being good with people, quick with ideas, knowing or whatever gift(s) you have.  You question your abilities and doubt that you really are gifted.  You begin to shrink.  I know I have found myself doing this in various ways over my lifetime.

When you give yourself permission to be all of who you are, you give others the same permission.  Yes, there may be those folks who end up comparing and indirectly asking you to stop being awesome… but ultimately you will find out that people will want to be around you so that they can shine too.  You will create a space that is secure and without judgment for others to be all that they are and more.  When you allow yourself to reach your potential you shine a light on the path for others to do the same.

Shine. Shine. Shine.  Be who you are fully.  Expand.  Be fantastic.  Do you.

