Live With Intention

Words 2013

Patterns and Reflections

Howdy, Pay attention.  What are you missing?  What is happening in your life over and over?  What are the feelings that you cannot seem to shake?  What are the situations you cannot seem to stop repeating?  What do you think about these things, these patterns?  What would you say to the movie screen if your life was being played out in a condensed way with all of the things that have "happened" to you as the storyline?  What would you say to a friend that was living the life you have lived or are living?  How would you counsel them?  

We often cannot see our own lives due to the fact that our perspective is distorted.  It is like trying to see a shooting star by sitting on it.  We fare better when we can see ourselves from the perspective of another.  This is the beauty of relationship and the difficulty as well.  We need one another to see ourselves clearer.  We use one another to gain perspective about ourselves.  Without the reflection of our behavior in another we would remain pretty blind to a large part of ourselves.  The challenge is understanding how to interpret the information that we get, from everyone around us, about us.  What do we take in, what do we discard, what do we keep or hold onto in order to bring about change?  

First and foremost, we are all working toward figuring things out.  The path for another may not be what you would consider righteous or healthy or preferable, but it is a path nonetheless.  Think about your life and how each step brought you to where you are now, to what you are learning now, to where you are going.  Know that each moment is a necessary part of the whole of your life.  Once you have drilled this into your noggin you can begin to look at your life, and others' lives, as information and not something to be judged or belittled.  When you don't recognize your moments as gifts and/or tidbits of information, you miss the very useful information that the moment is storing and trying to share.  It is hard to see a pattern in things when you are denying these things on a regular basis.

If you can, which I know you have the potential to, truly pay attention to your life and how you have operated it thus far, or ask someone you trust or admire to give you a rundown on what they think you have to work on.  If something irritates or resonates you have found an 'area of interest.'  Once you have noted various patterns in your life you have the choice to consciously repeat or delete them.  This is the blessing of awareness.  I know that the saying ignorance is bliss has some validity but knowledge truly is power.  You may feel stuck because of repeated behaviors you exhibit, you may feel stuck because of recurring thoughts in your head when you reach a certain level of success.  Whatever the reason for feeling unsettled or frustrated, you are in charge of settling yourself and learning how to find a place of ease.  

It is all possible, really.  Open your mind and heart to the possibility of not struggling through something.  Open your heart to ease.  See what comes.

