Hey there, What would you do if you won the lotto? If you won a jackpot of $275 million dollars after taxes, what would you do? What line of work, where would you live, how would you go about your daily life? What would you change and what would stay the same? I know that I have asked myself this question countless times. Sometimes the only upgrades I would make have to do with my living space and other times I want to do a complete overhaul. Where are you on that spectrum? Are you pretty groovy with most things or would hitting the jackpot create a new world for you, happier and yummier (you hope)?
First note anything you would want to get rid of. Write it down. Look at it… say it aloud. It is important to note that we all know what isn't working in our worlds. You may have written down anything from leaving a partner to living in another country. You could have simply written down that you would only change your debt status. Whatever the area that you are willing to drop like a hot potato if money wasn't an object needs to be dropped anyway. You sometimes have to get out of your own way to see that you know what you need and/or what needs to leave.
We love to tell ourselves that we are stuck in a situation and that there is no way out. We find every reason that never truly is good to stay in something that isn't working. Maybe a part here and there satisfies you in some way, but truly, when you are doing something that takes from you, what is the point? How much money is your soul worth? How much pain and frustration is your life deserving of? How long do you need to be discontent before you refuse to be discontent? At some point it is ok to let go of things that aren't fulfilling you completely. We tell ourselves that if we had the money then we could do blah blah blah. We say that if he or she did this or that then a, b, c and d would get done or be better. We think that we have to be fit to do something challenging. We think we have to have a certain environment to take better care of our health. There is always some reason that we don't do what we know we want to do now. When will you run out of excuses?
Asking yourself what you would do if you won the lotto is a great way to check your true desires. We often judge what we want before we ever let ourselves or anyone else here it. This judgement is often based on financial matters or what others may think of you. Find out what your true desires and motivations are. This is where happiness is. Once you line your life up with your love, magic happens. No amount of money will trump waking up in the morning and not needing to win the lotto to feel like a winner.