Live With Intention

Words 2012

(No) Limits

"I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space." ~William Shakespeare I took my first Hot Yoga class today and nearly passed out. It was awesome. There was a point where I said to myself, "just go for it! So what you pass out, someone will take care of you. Yogis are generally helpful, right?" At any rate, it got me thinking about limits and how many of us are afraid to even tempt them. What is stopping you?

What is the worst that could happen if you hit a limitation? What is the fear? Failure? Death? Dishonor? Self discovery? Whatever the "reasons" for not pushing yourself I am certain that the benefit far outweighs the risk. If you don't believe me, try it. Try going beyond the point of where you think you can. Instead of turning and running, push longer, try for more, open yourself to the unknown. Then do it again. There is a wealth of information to be given and received when you are working through your own perceived limitations.

Pushing past perceived physical limits advances you in more areas than physical ability alone. When you are at the point where you don't know if your body will actually continue your mind expands and you learn about what makes you tick. You begin to see habits that keep you from moving forward in other areas of your life. You may notice that you decide you aren't able before you try. Or you may be given a glimpse of possibility (which really is all there is). Possibility is rather amazing, especially when you see that possibility in yourself. That experience of having faith enough to risk doesn't only apply to physical experiences, it applies to just about everything else as well.

Physical training can be a safe and effective way to gain discipline, courage, and strength in all the areas of life that call for you to be disciplined, courageous, and strong. So what will you do to prove that limitations are what you make them, so make them a thing of the past. Instead maybe you can approach a difficult thing with, "Let's do this!" or "It will be what it is." Or "I am about to make this yoga class my b*tch! Woohoo!!! Or any other approach that encourages you to go for more. :)

"Then the time came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful that the risk it took to blossom." ~Anais Nin

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