A Hairy Situation
Being Open, Growth, Life, Love, RelationshipsCoachAinaafrikan hair, black hair, hair, latch hook, locs, nappy
Get Up, Stand Up
Athletics, Growth, Love, MasteryCoachAinaenergy, exercise, fitness, health, movement, sitting, sports
See The Yummy
Life is Movement
Addiction, Growth, Life, Love, WorkCoachAinacalvin coolidge, challenge, death, frank a clark, kindness, love, movement, wayne dyer
What's Good???
Discipline, Fear, Limits, Love, Magic, Thought PatternsCoachAinaalanis morissette, excuses, fear, music, ownership, power, you can
Needs & Preferences
What Goes Around
Being Open, Love, Relationships, Teaching, Thought PatternsCoachAinaathletics, generosity, karma, kindness, love, respect, rowing, THE LAB
Creating Space
Happy Birthday To Me!
Birthday, Life, Love, Relationships, TeachingCoachAinabirthday, FlyWheel, growing up, life, Pharoah Davis, poetry
Love What You Do, Whatever You Do
What's Good???
Life, Mastery, What's GoodCoachAinaaction, chocolate chip cookies, gratitude, Kylie Minogue, love, vegan, vitamin e, whole foods
Housework & The Universe
Being Open, Growth, LifeCoachAinaasking for help, being open, chore, cleaning, housework, permission, personal assistant, the universe
Let It Go
Growth, Life, Love, Relationships, TeachingCoachAinacompassion, forgiveness, love, offense, slights, understanding
Sadness & Joy
Fear, Growth, Life, Love, RelationshipsCoachAinagrowth, hafiz, hell, joy, life, sadness
"To Teach is To Learn Twice Over" ~Joseph Joubert
Athletics, Discipline, Growth, Life, Love, Magic, TeachingCoachAinachanges, growth, personal training, snow leopards, student, teacher, working out
Happy Birthday!
Athletics, Discipline, Life, Limits, LoveCoachAinacoaching, crew, erg, LL Cool J, rowing, running, Trinity College
What's Good???